Las Violetas, Guatemala
Bridge Overview
Location: about 4 hours from Guatemala City in the town of Nebaj
Elevation: 6,200 ft above sea level (about 4,000 above Blacksburg's elevation)
Language: Spanish and Ixil (Mayan dialect)
Population: 80,000
Man On-site: Diego Ramirez, Native of Nebaj, who helped us out with construction and overseeing while we are back in Blacksburg.
Location: about 4 hours from Guatemala City in the town of Nebaj
Elevation: 6,200 ft above sea level (about 4,000 above Blacksburg's elevation)
Language: Spanish and Ixil (Mayan dialect)
Population: 80,000
Man On-site: Diego Ramirez, Native of Nebaj, who helped us out with construction and overseeing while we are back in Blacksburg.